Call for abstract

The ecological urgency is currently upheaving the world of architecture, imposing a profound reevaluation of the methods of design and construction that have developed throughout the 20th century. Modern and post-modern reflections were formulated in parallel with the growth of industry and technology in a world not easily perceived as finite. The rise of concrete and metal, the continuous construction of new cities, and the belief that energy and growth could be limitless led to the creation of a series of architectural signs and languages that embodied the 20th century.

Today, more than just a historical turning point, we are experiencing a paradigm shift. On one hand, the finiteness of physical and energy resources leads us towards a logic of downsizing, sobriety, and low-impact constructions. Simultaneously, the increase in the world population poses a challenge to downsizing and also questions our existing models.

This realization prompts us to question how this situation impacts the production of architecture and the development of its devices. Ecology, as it transforms architectural forms, can be a powerful lever for formal innovation and the exploration of new languages.


In this perspective, we hope that the symposium can contribute to developing reflection along three main axes :

  • MATTERS _ The resurgence of forgotten materials from the 20th century, such as wood or earth, forces us to question the architectural language that can be developed with these materials. How to reconsider the forms and spaces of our modernity by seizing the physical characteristics of these materials? How to adapt them to the needs and necessities of today? How to create new forms without limi- ting ourselves to the formal reproduction of vernacular architecture ?
  • CLIMATE _ Optimizing energy consumption sources in buildings also leads us to question built morphologies. Their orientation, interior volumes, and layout, distributive types are all avenues to explore. The question of the envelope and the status we wish to give it will also be examined, as it is one of the main levers for en- ergy optimization and limiting thermal losses. We can evoke here Semper’s1 concept of covering surface, textile...

  • PREEXISTENCE _ The logic of not demolishing any construction, regardless of its heritage value, because it is in itself a source of already consumed energy, also forces us to question how we should establish a relationship with the existing to adapt it to the uses and technical requirements of today2. This existing represents a major source of project and space fabrication in our time, between permanence and evolutivity.


As a backdrop to these discussions, we will address the notion of usage, the relationship between usage and form, as well as the notion of form itself. Different approaches to the concept of form will be invoked, ranging from the concept of form as «the definition of rules governing the rela- tionship between elements,» 3 alluding to the definition that Moneo formalizes based on the works of Rossi; form as a reflection of «austerity, rigor, and fundamental thinking of minimal art and conceptual art, the (almost) abstract representation of the effect of stereometric bodies in space»4 mentioned by Zumthor, or even form as the direct transposition of its «constructive idea.»5


This call for papers aims to engage architects, engineers, educators, researchers, and practitioners. Papers can take two different formats :

  • « Fundamental research » papers : Presentations of research around the questions and issues outlined in the call for papers, providing perspectives on theories, approaches, and works.

  • « Project-based research » papers : Communications where the researcher or practitioner analyzes one or more architectural works (either their own or someone else’s). This is not about explanatory project presentations but theoretical reflections on the pre- sented work. These communications must be supported by theoretical wri- tings and should serve to elucidate the question posed through the presented project.


Responses to the call for papers must be sent before 03/15/2023



Each response will include:
- A proposal of 3,000 characters maximum (including spaces) in French, including a provisional title and mention of the chosen axis;
- A short indicative bibliography;
- A biography of the authors of 500 characters maximum.

The proposals will be assessed by the scientific committee and the responses will be communicated to researchers in June 2024.
The selected researchers will be invited to submit their communication in September 2024.

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